PC Read

PC Read has officially launched. Summer 2015

PCRead has partnered with AceReader. Summer  2016

For more information contact [email protected]

PC Read - Literacy Before Legacy

Being a whistleblower is not good enough. It doesn’t solve the problem. My name is Mary Willingham. I’m a learning and reading specialist. I worked in athletics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. And I blew the whistle on academic fraud in college sports. Many college revenue athletes are not getting the educational opportunity that we promise. One of the reasons: many of the young men we cheer for on game day are under-prepared for college level work.

With your support, we can fix this problem. 


The system of college sport is perpetuating educational inequality and exploiting our young men. They are athletes who do not get paid and students who are not getting an education. Join me in sending a message to the leaders at the NCAA, universities, and in Washington DC, that this game of charades must end. Billions of dollars are being made off the backs of our college athletes and in exchange they deserve a real academic opportunity. 

The athletes with whom I  worked  wanted to learn. They were excited at the possibility of graduating with a degree in the field of their choice. Instead we kept them eligible by using, in the UNC case, a bogus paper class system of athletic eligibility where little to no learning took place. 98% of all college athletes ‘go pro’ in something other than their sport. Let’s work together to make sure that after the last whistle blows, our celebrated athletes have a real chance at the game of life:LITERACY BEFORE LEGACY.

Paper Class Inc. has filed for 501c3 status. We have put together a team of experts and purchased the platform and software necessary to train, deliver, monitor (pre and post testing) and create the PCRead program to students. We will continue to raise funds so that more students can have free access to our PCRead program.

For more information on PCRead email
[email protected]